Mr. Ron is taking laps, and they call him Roto-Rooter
slash plumber, fast runner, and he fly on them computers
Athlete of the Winter '24-'25: Mr. Gjon

Section 24.15 - 25.15: Matching
Congratulations on making it this far.
The following section* of the test is meant to determine your knowledge of, and familiarity with, a certain Champions Club member. Please select the best answer for each question from the selections available. Answers may only be used once and every answer will be used. You may not return to any previous pages for help during this section. Do not proceed to the next section until all questions and answers have been accounted for and completed.
*this section enlisted the help of Prof. Sap, Prof. Banet, Prof. Munk, and Prof. Bubs
1. Why arms don't extend and fingers are broken |
a. High-five everyone |
2. Time table for putting on shoes |
b. "Dujjjsshh" |
3. Injury prevention strategy for running |
c. Concrete |
4. Builds toughness in deadlifts |
d. Baseball boy who has crush on Lulu |
5. Preferred surface for couch stretch |
e. Short sleeve hoodie and bare feet |
6. Mantra for little people |
f. Adolescent training to be boxer |
7. Describing any abrupt movement |
g. Drop on foot |
8. Best defense in basketball |
h. Golf |
9. Preferred attire in January |
i. 5 minutes late |
10. Preferred surface for sit-ups |
j. 15 minutes late |
11. Can't be a sport if it doesn't have a defense |
k. Lose job |
12. Don't know what it means but sounds effective |
l. "We're not gonna die today" |
13. Mantra for Tabata squats |
m. "Deceptively difficult" |
14. Mantra for following directions |
n. Match |
15. Mantra most likely to be correct in technical sense |
o. "Following directions is for golfers" |
16. Time table for getting to gym |
p. Rounded backs |
17. "That workout was..." |
q. Walking away from conversation |
18. Best defense while spectating soccer games |
r. Inhale for 3 steps, exhale for 2 |
19. Proper term for soccer game |
s. Love everyone |
20. Mantra for bad workout |
t. Headphones |
21. Opportunity to give to everyone else |
u. Something about Lionel Messi |
22. Opportunity to test durability of Sir Grips-a-Lot |
v. Foul |
23. Lifelong goal |
w. Cement |
24. Opportunity to test VO2 max and determination |
x. Myofascial release |
25. Bible says |
y. "Some people can't use their legs" |
26. The exception |
z. "We got better today" |
Congratulations on making it to the end of this section. You have now thought about Mr. Gjon as much as he thinks about all of you. Please turn your answer sheets in separate from the booklets, and pass on some of the love given off by the man in question.